Monday, June 30, 2008

Detox Diets – How Good & Useful Are They?

They idea behind a detox diet is cleansing. Naturally, healthy and refreshing are two things that go hand in hand out here.


For a diet that should be so simple there are a surprisingly large number of variations that are followed all over the world. Championed from the full-figured Oprah Winfrey to the lissome Gwyneth Paltrow, the detox diet has recently come under severe scrutiny.


Researchers have found reason to believe that a detox diet could be of considerable danger to the user, especially women who are lactating and are expecting. People recovering from surgery or are ill too are advised against following one.


A healthy weight loss diet sadly does not include a detox diet anymore, not with the unfeasible alternative it poses to the groups of people listed above.


Instead, at Body Makeovers we recommend those looking for a healthy weight loss option to trust their body's cleansing agents (the liver, respiratory system, the skin, etc.). Just in case your physical condition acts as a hamper for any of these natural detox agents, contact your physician or a fitness expert.


Similar to the weight loss personal training professionals at Body Makeovers, these experts can chart out a diet in Los Angeles plan that is customized to suit your system. At Michael Thurmond Body Makeovers you have the additional option to indulge in body contouring and a physical makeover program.


Book your package pronto, visit Santa Monica body makeovers.


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