Monday, June 30, 2008

Fit Enough For Wimbledon Season?


It's that time of the year again. Wimbledon madness is building up fever pitch and enthusiasts are fervently pegging their hopes on their player of choice.


The 2008 Wimbledon Championships have commenced (23rd June) and shall last till 6th July. Roger Federer, Serena Williams and Nadal have already got the star treatment from the experts on the game and predictions are being viewed as manna.


Stamina and fitness are two major influencing factors for the game (of course, skill is also very important) with players having to maintain the requisite diet and exercise regime.


What about you? Fancy a healthy weight loss diet and weight loss personal training wrapped and served in one winning package for your Wimbledon workout?


Step in at Michael Thurmond Body Makeovers and enroll for the Athletic Body Makeover which is customized to suit the demands of the sport you favor.


Body Makeovers combine heavy duty weight loss training sessions with an approved diet Los Angeles. This winning combination is aided along every step of the way with the help of a personal trainer Los Angeles.


The results are nothing short of incredible and will help you establish the stamina and body structure suited for an athlete. Get in touch with us for a quick preliminary once over.


Detox Diets – How Good & Useful Are They?

They idea behind a detox diet is cleansing. Naturally, healthy and refreshing are two things that go hand in hand out here.


For a diet that should be so simple there are a surprisingly large number of variations that are followed all over the world. Championed from the full-figured Oprah Winfrey to the lissome Gwyneth Paltrow, the detox diet has recently come under severe scrutiny.


Researchers have found reason to believe that a detox diet could be of considerable danger to the user, especially women who are lactating and are expecting. People recovering from surgery or are ill too are advised against following one.


A healthy weight loss diet sadly does not include a detox diet anymore, not with the unfeasible alternative it poses to the groups of people listed above.


Instead, at Body Makeovers we recommend those looking for a healthy weight loss option to trust their body's cleansing agents (the liver, respiratory system, the skin, etc.). Just in case your physical condition acts as a hamper for any of these natural detox agents, contact your physician or a fitness expert.


Similar to the weight loss personal training professionals at Body Makeovers, these experts can chart out a diet in Los Angeles plan that is customized to suit your system. At Michael Thurmond Body Makeovers you have the additional option to indulge in body contouring and a physical makeover program.


Book your package pronto, visit Santa Monica body makeovers.


Leptin For Weight Loss & Depression For Weight Gain

The human mind is a wonderful thing and is definitely and undoubtedly fickle.


Daily we hear news reports of studies conducted by some researchers in Timbuktu or some Medical college in the US thronging the news channels. But rather than scoffing at their efforts it would do us better to scoff at the way our own minds work.


Weight and more importantly healthy weight loss is a constant focus for a large section of scientists and their studies have helped the diet and fitness business immensely.


One study conducted by Columbia University Medical Center in New York found additional relation between leptin and weight loss. Leptin, a hormone that helps the brain say no to rich food has been targeted for a long time by healthy weight loss diet experts and nutritionists.


Another research group found that people who contemplated morose thoughts and frequently waxed melancholy were more prone to eat and shop to negate the depression. U.S. and European researchers were at the helm of this study which was conducted in America and the Netherlands.


So there you have it, for healthy weight loss treat your leptin levels properly, smile more and our favorite advice, visit Body Makeovers in Los Angeles.


Weight loss personal training experts at our facility consider such modern research in the healthy weight loss diet, weight loss training and fitness sectors. Get our expert opinion today.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Body Makeovers – Naturally Healthy

Body Makeovers came across a snippet the other day which laid a lot of emphasis on the effect of exercise on physical health.

While such studies can be easily dismissed as old news, this particular study is very noteworthy. Researchers conducting the study had obese and overweight adults participating. The focus was on a three-month period of regular exercise without much change in the diet.

Post-3 months, they realized that there was a significant drop in weight and waist sizes of the participants.

Further study proved that along with a rise in the protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the individuals were observed to experience a fall in blood pressure. This resulted in them consuming fewer calories each day by default.

A very effective and healthy weight loss method I must say!

At Body Makeovers we understand the importance of keeping a healthy weight loss diet and personal training simple. Towards this end we have the 6 Week Body Makeover programme which has been proven to deliver spectacular results.

You won’t have to stay away from your favorite foods, because at Body Makeovers we will provide you with a personal weight loss trainer.

Give Michael Thurmond Body Makeovers a chance to serve you and experience the results yourself.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Popping Veins When You Exercise? No Reason To Worry

Last month Madonna was photographed with her veins standing out very prominently. Angelina Jolie too gets photographed very often with her veins on display. While they don’t look ugly, they certainly signify something – they exercise and are fans of healthy weight loss.

It may sound like a hasty conclusion I’m drawing because after all, bulging veins could be genetic or they could simply be varicose veins. But the ladies in question are well known for their more than ardent fascination for rigorous and demanding exercise.

So when you are exercising what do you do to reduce the appearance of these veins? Can they be avoided from popping?

Well, Body Makeovers knows for a fact that there’s no need to worry. In order for these veins to pop out your body’s fat mass needs to be well below 15 percent. It would be good to add at this point that Angie and Madonna are not exactly known for their wholesome approach towards food. They are hardcore dieters.

But then what about those who have a higher fat mass but also seem to have prominent veins? Some sadly, have genetics to blame. Others have their bodies undergoing a strained process of filtration where muscles swell and toughen up so much that the subcutaneous veins are pressured towards the surface of the skin.

After that it all depends on the subcutaneous fat present in the skin to appropriately cloak the presence or minimize the appearance of popping veins.

Want to know more such weight loss personal training and exercise truths? Visit Body Makeovers.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Marie Antoinette Diet – Good For A Body Makeover?

The Sex and the City girls, who are always in the know about such trendy things brought the Marie Antoinette diet to the fore and made cupcakes the raison d'ĂȘtre.

Recently Heidi Klum gifted Victoria Beckham a year’s supply of cupcakes for her 34th birthday and started the trend all over again. Posh Victoria is being all nice and actually consuming all those calories and carbs.

But how good is the cupcake diet for healthy weight loss?

Dietitians think consuming cupcakes, for some people, are merely a glamour indicator. But for others they remind them of their childhood where such indulgencies were pandered to by grandmas and moms.

But in a study conducted last year by Charles Stuart Platkin, also known as the Diet Detective, an average Crumbs cupcake was found to contain as much calories as three slices of pizza. The exercise needed to burn out the ingested calories involves 6 miles of jogging. Looks like a lot of trouble for a simple cupcake.

But you can enjoy your favorite comfort food with the help of Santa Monica body makeovers. Our healthy weight loss diet and weight loss personal training plans help you work out what’s right for your body and what’s not.

Join up with Body Makeovers for an exhilarating healthy weight loss exercise and diet plan.