Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How To Know You Are Overweight:

Annie Hathaway has been told she’s too fat for a role, Kirstie Alley has been religiously losing weight and gaining weight, and the same goes for Beyonce. Among the men Vince Vaughn, John Travolta and the once suave Matthew Perry are contenders for the battle of the bulges.

Looking at most of these people it is difficult to imagine how someone like Beyonce or Annie Hathaway can even be called overweight. Most people think someone who is bulging from most angles, like Rosie O'Donnell or Michael Moore would be people who you could probably call overweight or obese.

There are numerous methods to determine if a person is overweight, the most common one being the BMI or Body Mass Index method. Incidentally, the BMI method can categorize a person as healthy but yet overweight. When the BMI of an individual aged 20 and above equals or is greater than 19, the person can be termed as healthy.

When the BMI equals or is greater than 30, the person can be defined as being obese, which poses more of a health risk than a healthy body. An overweight or obese body can be conquered though.

A healthy weight loss routine like the ones formulated at Body Makeover Systems is actually a combination of a nutritiously healthy weight loss diet and weight loss personal training exercises. For those fighting a losing battle against obesity and unhealthy excess weight take an appointment with us at Body Makeover Systems.

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