Wonderful, just what parents need. As if the child and adolescent obesity problem wasn’t enough!
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 15-year-olds got less than a third of the recommended level of exercise for their age. On the other hand, 90 percent of the children aged 9 and 11 met the recommended levels of exercise for their age.
This is serious reason to be alarmed parents, especially because once children slip into adolescence, they are less impressionable where instilling healthy weight habits are concerned. Considering that puberty is the main time for bones and muscles to achieve a solid growth, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise pattern for your child becomes even more imperative.
The federal issued Dietary Guidelines for Americans considers it essential that children and adolescents spend at least 60 minutes of physical activity for seven days a week. While this is no doubt going to help them establish a healthy weight loss and weight control pattern in their later years, it will surely help their developing bodies.
Do not ignore the rising threat of obesity parents, look for healthy weight loss diet and weight loss personal training options like the ones offered by Body Makeovers through the Children’s Program.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The More Your Tots Grow, The Less Exercise They Get – New Study
Losing Fat Via Mesotherapy – Viable or Not?
A rather large number of treatments revolve around the hapless individual looking for a healthy weight loss alternative, and mesotherapy is just one of them.
Touted as a probable alternative to surgery procedures like liposuction or gastric bypass surgery, mesotherapy is something of a boon for many people. This has largely to do with the treatment process, which consists of a series of sittings (depending on the amount of weight you carry) wherein a medicated solution is introduced into the mesoderm via an injection.
Since it does not involve any weight loss personal training (exerting for the lazy) or surgery (for the weak of heart), mesotherapy seems to be an attractive weight loss and body makeover combination. Its body sculpting functions also make it very hard to resist for fat-watchers.
However, what is important to remember is that a body makeover in Los Angeles is more advantageous then something like this as unlike mesotherapy it does not make use of any drugs that are not FDA approved. While the latter attaches a certain amount of risk, the costs involved (approx. $1,000 to $1,500 per treatment) and the period it takes to realize the effects also need to be considered.
Instead, the Six Week Body Makeover program or the Los Angeles Extreme Makeover offered at Body Makeovers can prove to be a better investment for you. Not only are the packages customized for you but you can also lose weight the healthy way.
Healthy Weight Loss Industry Feeling The Pinch Of The Economy
Americans spend $40 billion a year on weight loss programs and products alone.
The U.S. economy is not looking all that happy currently and it is only natural to wonder what the attraction about weight loss products and services is all about. The diet and fitness sector is experiencing the same treatment from wary spenders as are the plastic surgery and lifestyle markets.
According to the International Health Racquet & Sportsclub Association, gym memberships fell for the first time in more than a decade last year from 42.7 million in 2006 to 41.5 million.
But despite all this, people are up for grabs for any weight loss training or diet program and once plugged, avidly lap it all up. If you are wondering why there is so much importance given to such regimes, a good reason could be because women want to fit into size-8 jeans and men want to hook the girl.
However, such arguments are, at best, clichéd.
In my opinion, healthy weight loss diets and weight loss training programs like the ones offered at Body Makeovers, offer users a comfort level of another kind. Individuals know that there is a trusted dynamic overlooking the entire weight loss process- be it a personal trainer or a nutritionist.
See for yourself the edge you can get by our Six Week Body Makeover or Extreme Makeover without worrying about your budget.
Hazards Of Having An Inexperienced Weight Loss Personal Trainer
One of my favorite fitness sites, FitSugar spoke about yoga trainers who harmed more then healed their pupils thanks to their inexperience. The mess they got their patients into had me wincing in pain just reading about it!
It is absolutely terrible if the person you trust to help you lose weight is not up to the mark. If a personal trainer fails in some way or another just because he or she has not received enough training or doesn’t possess proper certification, then you have barked up the wrong tree.
There are ways to avoid this though and checking up on the certification and reputation is one of the best ways you can ensure yourself a healthy weight loss experience.
At Body Makeovers, we make personal trainer assessment processes mandatory for selected trainers so that our weight loss personal training clients are not harmed in any way.
Certain body makeover programs are extreme and demand a lot from the user. Unless the trainer is confident and certified to provide the exceptional guidance required for such clients, he or she cannot help the client in any way.
Along with the mandatory 2-4 year experience in personal training and a degree or certification from an accredited institution, Santa Monica body makeover requires trainers to undergo a rigorous training class. Only after they successfully complete an internship under a high-level personal trainer in Los Angeles at our facility, are they considered ready to help a California body makeover client.
You are in safe hands. Book an appointment with Body Makeovers today.
Watching What You Eat & When You Eat It
The big word on everyone’s tongues in the U.S. is salmonella, with the dreaded infection poisoning above 350 people in 30 U.S. states in one month alone.
While excluding tomatoes from your healthy weight loss diet could be a good idea, scientists are reporting that cilantro and jalapenos, besides other veggies too might be at risk for consumption. Incidentally, these are the ingredients used to make salsa as well, making it tough for those who love Mexican food.
Summertime, apparently, is a very tricky part of the year where food is concerned with dietitians advising people to practice proper hygiene while cooking and cooking food to right temperatures.
If you want to cultivate healthy weight loss diet habits, then eating food the right way is also important. With just a little organization and self-control, you can keep a few pounds away. The Washington University School of Medicine discovered that people tend to overeat during the weekend, more so on a Saturday.
According to the conclusions drawn, people gain at least 10 pounds by the end of the year, thanks to weekend binging!
What do you think? Do you practice unhealthy eating habits and love weekend binging?
Drop by at Body Makeovers to understand how the food you eat affects your body size and healthy weight loss efforts. Through our Nutrition Only program, you could have the opportunity to improve your situation.